Why yourImpact?

It’s quite simple really - people ask me all the time how they too can get started in social impact. They want to do good in the world but they are not always sure where to start.

I have spent over a decade in the social impact world, playing the game while trying to change it, having coffees with wide-eyed idealistic students or frustrated lawyers who want to do good but feel clueless, helpless, or confused.

Out of all of this, I can tell you one thing: the answer is you.

We need you, and we need everyone if we are going to solve the big, systemic challenges of our time. If we are going to change a system that for most people in the world today, is still oppressive, exploitative, and extractive. If you are reading this, you are likely part of the people who have a choice with what they do with their waking hours. That remains a privilege, so you can stay where you are, make more money, accumulate more things, and remain part of the problem. Or you can be part of the solution, and use your privilege for good. This is an invitation to start the hard work of doing good in a messy, unfair world gone crazy.

There is no better time to get started than now – let it be that 2020 is remembered as a reckoning, but also as an awakening. That from the crises we face, you and all of us emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, and a plan for real action to make this a just and sustainable world for all.

So I decided to start a newsletter and website to help you on your impact journey. This is for you, so comments and ideas welcome!

I am writing this website and newsletter in a personal capacity - if you want to hear more about Solve, you can check out their content here!